Photos of Atmosphere, reception, cabins & machinery: Upload unlimited photos
"Book Now" button to schedule appointments: Button enabled for up to 15 leads
Section with before & after pictures: Upload unlimited before & after photos
Featured in top results of search: Increased visibility of your clinic's profile in the search engine. It will appear in the top results
Featured in top recommended clinics: Featured in the Top- Rated clinics section in our home page as well as in Top-Rated clinics recommended for treatments that may apply
Claim Top & Verified Youngr Clinic Badge: Display our Recommended Youngr Clinic Badge to be identified as a Top-Rated clinic in the platform
Aseguramos altos estándares tanto a las clínicas como a los usuarios.
Cómo funciona
Fill a brief form
We will verify the necessary information
We'll send you an invitation to create your Youngr Profile
Añade nuestros servicios extra para crear un perfil destacado
sesión de fotos profesional
One of our qualified photographer allies will take professional photos of your clinic’s installations, team members and procedures if desired
vídeo profesional
Our video crew will film and edit a professional video broadcasting your clinic’s installations, team members and general experience
Impulso de influenciador
Choose from our top-rated selection of profiles someone that fits your clinic’s needs and target to boost your clinic’s exposure in an easy and trusted way